Window On the World

The whole school celebrated Thanksgiving

Par NATHALIE VEYSSEYRE, publié le mardi 4 décembre 2018 21:56 - Mis à jour le mardi 3 septembre 2019 22:54
Thursday, November 22nd, Lycée Louis Vicat's Team WOW celebrated their first Thanksgiving


Here, you can see all the members of Window on the World. We are a group who explores different cultures around the world. The group is composed of three students in première and five in seconde

We organized a lunch in the school restaurant, to celebrate Thanksgiving. Henry really enjoyed this lunch and everyone too. 



For the entrée, there were many options like pumpkin soup, red cabbage, cheese pie and mixed vegetable salad too.

The main course consisted of turkey, stuffing, green beans and sweet potatoes and Brussels sprouts.

The dessert included two pies : pumpkin pie, the symbol of the Thanksgiving meal and apple pie.

It was a meal full of colour, full of flavour and full of friendship.


Everyone had fun organizing the event !


The word cloud is one of the posters used by Team WOW to decorate the dining-room and also to share the great values of Thanksgiving with all the school.


Here you can see the Thank-you board. Everyone who had lunch in the school restaurant on Thanksgiving Day stuck a post-it on it.

People put the thank-you notes on the front of the board and created a collage of colour.